Jun 17Liked by Michelle Francois-Walsh

As I wait for the little puzzle that is my life,

An amalgamation, mishmash, divine gorgeous mess-

to be in order, aligned and whole

...I pace.

Here, I say, push this over this way! Then, when my lifepuzzle does not fall into definable order,

I get pissed.

Well, I TRIED.

What about everyone and everything else in my stratosphere?

I go back to being puzzled.

Once upon a time, there was a toy puzzle I tried as a child, a little plastic square with sliding pieces

Was it numerical order? Some design?

I cannot recall.

I found the patience to figure it out and was satisfied

For at least a minute.

Then, of course,

I moved on.

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Oh my gosh, I know this puzzle from childhood your speak of! Thank you for sharing what so many of us feel. Keep writing sisterπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

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