Hello and welcome to Soul Sauce Writing. A five week course exclusively delivered to you here on Substack.
Each week, I will read different poems to you, offering them like medicine. Then I will present jump off lines. Finally, a timer will be set, and you will write whatever comes through you, releasing it onto the page. Without editing, crossing out, or seeking to "be good enough". Simply put: pen to paper for the allotted amount of time.
Soul Sauce Writing is a practice of noticing, paying attention, and listening. Over time, my hope is that we all begin to notice how this gentle observing carries over into other areas of our lives. We embody more presence. We become more calm. We begin heal ourselves one word at a time.
So this is me, inviting you to give it a whirl. I believe in you little Love Sprinkler. You’ve got this.
Photo by marianna-a on flickr
Welcome to Soul Sauce Writing. Today's offering will get our creative juices flowing. This is a no pressure invitation to have fun and hit the writing release valve.
Today's piece is inspired from the poem: If You Knew by Ellen Bass. After listening, please pick one of the following jump off lines and write for 15 minutes.
💜Possible Jump Off Lines (Choose one or all)
What if you knew…
What would people look like if we could see them as they are…
How wide does the crack in Heaven have to split?
No one talks about it…
💜How was it? I’m so curious to know! Please feel free to share in the comment section so that we can be reminded we belong to each other. We really do.
💜Fun Fact: we offer small group live online Soul Sauce Classes in the Village twice a year: our next class begins October 1. Join us!
💜Did this practice move you in some way? Please feel free to show your support for my work by buying me a bag of popcorn. My belly thanks you!
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